
Archive for June, 2010

Announced by Hosea

While we were in Taiwan visiting my parents, Hosea said something out of the blue one day. He came up to me and said, “I prayed, and God answered my prayer, and you’re going to have a baby.” Again at the dinner table, he announced to everyone that “I prayed to God, and he answered my prayer, and Mommy’s going to have a baby.”

It came so out of the blue, and was stated so matter-of-factly, that I began to think, “Could I be pregnant?” No, I was pretty sure I wasn’t.

After returning to the U.S., I just couldn’t get over the tiredness of jet lag, and I wondered if I had an intestinal illness because I kept feeling nauseous. Until I finally realized that maybe I really was pregnant. Yes, it turned out I had been pregnant even before we went to Taiwan.

Thanks, Hosea, for letting me know.

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