
Archive for the ‘Advent’ Category


“The people walking in darkness have seen a great light;
on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.”
Isaiah 9:2

We moved into our first house a few weeks ago.  We had bamboo floors installed in part of the house, and they look beautiful.  The bamboo is a light natural color.  One thing that had not occurred to me when we chose it is that the light color makes dirt very visible — every little tiny speck of it.  Who knew that we tracked in so much dirt on a daily basis!  I am suddenly very conscientious about first wiping my shoes on the doormat and then taking them off right inside the door, and teaching my 2-year-old to do the same.  I have been sweeping and cleaning the floors with much greater frequency than I have ever done before in my life.  At our last apartment, with its grey carpet and grey vinyl floors, I could go a long time without cleaning the floors or vacuuming (I won’t tell you exactly how long, out of embarrassment).  It did make it easier to be lazy, I admit.

In this season of Advent, we celebrate “the true light that gives light to every man” (John 1:9) that was coming into the world.  A pure light that is glorious to behold.  Looking at candlelight or twinkling Christmas lights brings a warm, happy feeling.  But the True Light is also like our bamboo floors.  When it “gives light to every man,” the dirt stands out.  The True Light makes very visible all my little sins that were comfortable hiding in the darkness of the grey carpet.  I am distinctly lacking in holiness.  Advent reminds me to clean house and repent, to “make straight the way for the Lord” (John 1:23).

As I clean, I keep finding that I’ve tracked in more dirt every day.  Argh!  Though God commands me to clean and be holy, I cannot win this battle myself.  I am Joshua the High Priest in Zechariah 3, dressed in filthy clothes before the LORD, needing my sin to be taken away.  That is why God sent the True Light, entering the world through the dirty, manure-filled stable, to take away our sin.  That is why I celebrate.

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